According to the Montgomery County Courier, FM 1097 in Willis has been approved to be widened by TxDOT. The estimated $3.2 million dollar project will widen the road between I-45 and Texas Highway 75, significantly improving access and safety. Engineers expect the project to be completed in 18 months after construction starts and will add a much needed turning lane to ease traffic. With rapid growth within the Houston Metro Area, and Montgomery County in particular, many roads and intersections are already operating at or over capacity.
Further south on I-45 at State Highway 242 near The Woodlands and Shenandoah, plans have been approved for a $33.9 million dollar project to build flyovers allowing traffic to bypass the traffic lights at the feeder street. This in addition to the dozens of road construction projects throughout Montgomery County in the last decade including the widening of I-45 to at least 3 lanes all the way through the county.
Why all this construction? More residents and businesses are relocating to the area. The Houston Area led the nation in Gross Metropolitan Product growth (the total value of all goods and services produced in the metropolitan area, similar to GDP) with the highest percentage increase (3.7%) among the 10 largest metro areas according to the latest study from the Department of Commerce. The ongoing economic expansion means that better infrastructure is vital to our communities’ continued growth.
Expect to see many more orange construction barrels while driving around town.